Father’s Day Letter to Dad

Your primary kids will love making these homemade cards for their dads in singing time! Use this Father’s Day Letter to Dad activity for a simple way to incorporate Father’s Day in primary!

This post includes a foldable card that can be personalized especially for dad! I’ve also included some extension ideas for ways to include children who may be struggling during this holiday.

Father's Day Letter to Dad singing time idea - use this homemade printable card to write letters to dad during primary for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Father’s Day Letter to Dad

We have so many fun Father’s Day singing time ideas here at PrimarySinging, including movement activities, dress up, and even a fun game-show themed activity! This Letter to Dad activity is just another fun idea to add to your primary toolkit!

I’m excited to share these cute Father’s Day cards that I made for primary! For a fun way to celebrate Father’s Day in a simple way this year, have your primary children write a card to their dad! Here’s what you’ll need to make these cards:


  • Blank paper
  • Printable Father’s Day Cards
  • Scissors
  • Stapler
  • Crayons/Colored Pencils
Father's Day Letter to Dad singing time idea - use this homemade printable card to write letters to dad during primary for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

To prepare for this activity, print out as many copies of the foldable letters as you have kids in your primary. Make the cards by cutting along the edges so that you have no blank space outside the card.

Then, place the second page with the fill-in-the-blank letter on top of the cover page and fold along the center line. Note that you will have some blank pages. This is a great space for more coloring or writing!

Staple both pages together to make a booklet. Repeat these steps for the rest of the books! I recommend doing this before primary to help save on time, but you could also cut the pages and have the kids fold and staple their own pages (with some help)!

Father's Day Letter to Dad singing time idea - use this homemade printable card to write letters to dad during primary for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Choose which Father’s Day song(s) to sing during primary. You may choose to review just one song or a few different ones. Start by reviewing one of your Father’s Day songs. Then, explain that you’ll be writing letters to your dads during singing time.

Pass out the booklets and crayons to each class. Have the kids work on drawing or filling in the blanks for the letter. Have teachers nearby to help little ones who can’t read yet.

Father's Day Letter to Dad singing time idea - use this homemade printable card to write letters to dad during primary for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

While the kids draw/write their cards, have the pianist play the song in the background or bring a speaker to play the song. You may invite the kids to sing or hum along while they color.

If you want to review a few different Father’s Day songs, take a few pauses during the activity to sing through one of your selected songs. For a fun way to choose, write the song titles on popsicle sticks.

Sing through the song again at the end of primary and be sure to have the kids take their cute, homemade letters to dad!

Father's Day Letter to Dad singing time idea - use this homemade printable card to write letters to dad during primary for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Extension Activities:

  • Make a Father’s Day card for your bishop and other bishopric members. While you sing, have the children quietly come up a few at a time to write on the card.
  • Before primary, write “I love my dad because…” on the whiteboard. While you review your Father’s Day song, invite the children to come up to share a reason they love their dad.
  • Add in brothers, uncles, or grandpas to help everyone feel included! Bring in blank Father’s Day cards and let the kids write letters to other people in their lives.
  • For a fun service idea, have the primary “Heart Attack” the Bishop’s office. Cut out a bunch of hearts with colored paper and have the kids write kind messages on the hearts. Tape the hearts to the Bishop’s door! You can find an example here at this I Feel My Savior’s Love Heart Attack Service activity!
Father's Day Letter to Dad Singing time ideas for Primary Music Leaders sq Primary Christmas Songbook7

Take a look at this Primary Christmas Songbook Sing & Color for another fun printable booklet!

Father’s Day Letter to Dad Printable Cards

These printable cards are so easy to put together! I put mine together in just a few minutes. This printable includes a front/back cover with pages for drawing and writing. Your primary children can fill in the blanks to this Father’s Day message or come up with their own!

*Note: This type of card does make for a few blank pages in the middle. When the kids open the front cover, they should see the “Dear Dad” page first. They can write their own message or draw on the blank pages.

Father's Day Letter to Dad singing time idea - use this homemade printable card to write letters to dad during primary for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

Get more out of singing time with the INSTANT Primary Singing membership that includes printable lesson plans, tons of extended printables and an ad-free experience for each featured song of the month, or get immediate access to the entire song list for the year!

INSTANT Primary Singing Doctrine & Covenants Access Packet - Includes teaching ideas for ALL of the Come Follow Me songs for the D&C year including fun singing time ideas for the holidays, custom art flip charts, D&C year themed helps, even bonus planners and teaching demo videos! Everything you need to help you be successful as an LDS Primary Music Leader!

Learn more about INSTANT Primary Singing membership options here!
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Check out these cute Dad’s Toolbox Father’s Day Cards for more fun ways to incorporate Father’s Day into singing time!

Father's Day Dad's Toolbox fun singing time game to review ANY Father's Day primary song pick! You'll pick out a tool to add to the toolbox and use a fun way to sing included! A no-fuss easy prep lesson plan for LDS Primary Music Leaders.

What are you doing for Father’s Day in singing time? We’d love to hear your ideas!

Join INSTANT Primary Singing today for immediate access to monthly printable singing time ideas!

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