Try this Stand for the Right Work & Play Sounds nature and senses singing time activity as a fun way to introduce or review this song in primary!
Help the kids understand what it means to stand as a witness of God “at work or at play” by engaging their senses and listening to different sounds while reviewing Stand for the Right.
See all Stand for the Right Singing Time Ideas Here!

Stand for the Right Work & Play Sounds
This activity, inspired by the Choose the Right Way Warning Sounds lesson, is designed to help engage the senses and help the primary kids think about this song in a new way. When we covenant to take upon ourselves the name of Christ in our baptismal covenant, what does that really mean?
Start by reviewing Stand for the Right (Lyrics here) at the beginning of primary. Then ask the children, “Where does the song tell us to be true and stand for the right?” Wait for an answer and see if they can remember the words of the song. If not, you can quickly sing through it again (“At work or at play, in darkness or light”).
Then, listen to some different “work” sounds and “play” sounds. Work and play can be very different, but we can choose to follow Christ wherever we are. I’ve included below some short sound clips that you can use for this lesson. Let’s start with some work sounds.
Examples of Work Sounds:
Share each of the following sound clips. Then, ask the children how someone could stand for the right in each one of these places. They can share personal experiences or come up with other examples.

Examples of Play Sounds:
After you share these audio samples, ask the children how someone could stand for the right in some of these places. Have they ever had an experience where they had to stand up for what’s right?
After comparing the different sounds, sing through the song again. Share your testimony of listening to the Holy Ghost to help us know how to stand for the right, wherever we may be.

This is a great lesson to pair with one of our other Stand for the Right review ideas! A great one to use with this lesson would be our Stand for the Right Video Story activity! Watch one of the videos shared in that post to give more examples of how they can chose to stand for the right.
We have lots of fun ideas coming for this song, so be on the look out!

You might also enjoy this My Heavenly Father Loves Me Sights & Sounds awareness of nature idea!
3 Additional Ideas:
This activity is meant to be a very simple, engaging way to introduce or review Stand for the Right. I’ve included some additional ideas for how to add to this activity if you want to extend it a bit.
1.Find some scripture verses that teach about standing for the right. A great scripture to use for this is D&C 87:8 – “Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen.”
Sharing scriptures in primary can be a great testimony builder! I also love seeing how the songs in the Children’s Songbook are teaching the doctrine outlined in the scriptures.

2. Compile quotes from General Conference talks. There are so many talks that teach about standing in holy places. Here are just a few examples: President Thomas S. Monson, Oct. 2011: “Stand in Holy Places,” or President James E. Faust, Apr. 2005: “Standing in Holy Places.”
It’s so neat to read through these talks and see how prophets of our day are teaching the importance of standing as a witness of Christ. If you choose to use one or both these talks, take short quotes from each talk and write them on strips of paper. Have a child read a quote each time you sing through the song.
3. Share a spiritual video! I love this video entitled “Stand in Holy Places and Be Not Moved,” with words by Elaine S. Dalton. There are lots of great inspirational messages that will keep your primary kids engaged while feeling the spirit!
Here are a few other videos you might enjoy:
Bloom Where You’re Planted – Stand Ye in Holy Places
These are just a few ways to use this activity in singing time. There are lots of different ways to adapt and modify an idea to best serve your primary!
However you decide to use this activity in singing time, I hope it is a powerful lesson for your primary children that they will remember for a long time! The service we do as primary leaders is so important! You are doing amazing!
For another fun way to review this song in primary, head over to this Stand for the Right Mirror Your Partner movement activity!
Have you used nature & senses activities in primary? Which ones do you enjoy the most?